
Food is our best medicine. As a naturopathic physician, Dr. Peirson is an expert in medical nutrition. Staying current on new, cutting edge research to best help you is her job. Many medical conditions can be treated more effectively with foods and nutritional supplements than they can by other means, with fewer complications and side effects.

Nutrigenomics is the integration of genomic science with nutrition. It is the study of how your genetic code affects your need for certain nutrients. Using tests like 23andme and Genova Diagnostics' various Genovations tests a treatment plan can be created to address the unique genetic and biochemical needs of your body. This testing and subsequent treatment is very helpful for patients who have found other treatment options unhelpful or even aggravating. You can read more about Nutrigenomics here:
Methylation, Epigenetics & Nutrigenomics: Identifying & Correcting The
Core Issues In Disease
Methylation, Epigenetics & Nutrigenomics: Identifying & Correcting The
Core Issues In Disease
Neurotransmitter Support

Many neurological, physical, mental and emotional conditions can benefit from support of specific neurotransmitters. Whether it's through the use of scientifically researched herbs or amino acids to support proper levels of these neurotransmitters, patients can feel immediate relief of their symptoms without the use of drugs. Testing is helpful to understanding each patient's individual needs. Catering treatment to each patient's individual needs is key.
IV Therapy

Intravenous administration of nutrients can achieve serum and cellular concentrations not obtainable with oral, or even intramuscular, administration of the same nutrient. Intravenous therapy is therefore more effective than oral supplementation at relieving conditions that are due to longstanding cellular nutrient deficiencies.
Botanical Medicine

Many plant substances are powerful medicines. Where single chemically-derived drugs may only address a single problem, botanical medicines are able to address a variety of problems simultaneously. Their organic nature makes botanicals compatible with the body's own chemistry; hence, they can be gently effective with few toxic side effects.
Vitamin & Mineral Supplementation

By using vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, amino acids and other naturally occurring substances to stimulate specific organ function the body is best supported in the healing process. Essential nutrients are lacking in the standard American diet of processed food grown in mineral deficient soils, leading to chronic disease. Often a disease process can be reversed simply by supplying the body with the nutrients it needs to heal itself.
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Bioidentical hormones are hormones that are identical to what the human body makes. Hormone imbalance can affect all areas of the body including the thyroid, digestion, mood, sleep, etc. Working with a knowledgeable and experienced physician is important when dealing with hormones. By looking at the whole person and treating all causes of hormone imbalance a more complete treatment is possible.

Hydrotherapy is the application of hot and cold water through various means with the goal of improving circulation. The hot application expands blood vessels, filling them with blood, and the cold application constricts the blood vessels, forcing the blood to move on to other parts of the body. If circulation is poor or slow, healing nutrients cannot be delivered and toxins cannot be removed. By improving circulation, more nutrients are available for cells to use and toxins are managed more efficiently.
Physical Medicine

Naturopathic Medicine has its own methods of therapeutic manipulation of muscles, bones, and spine. Soft tissue manipulation as well as joint manipulation can greatly relieve pain and stiffness associated with acute injuries and chronic misuse injuries.